25 Home Remedies to Lose Belly Fat

24. Diet Plan:

Eating right food will definitely help to get rid of the abdominal fat. Here are some advices that develop a good food habit and also lose your belly fat.

home Remedies to Lose Belly Fat,
  • Reduce your sugar level in your diet as this sugar is one of the main cause of fat. So take complex carbohydrates in the place of sugar. Then your body will easily convert this complex carbohydrates into sugars and makes you health without gaining weight or belly fat.
  • Light snacks will do more harm. Pizzas, burgers, French fries and other junk foods are not good for the health and body. Even processed foods and sodas will also cause belly fat to you. Artificial sweeteners that are added in these foods will induce the body to store fat. It’s always best to avoid them and opt for healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, etc. in your daily diet.
  • Include good food like food which is more in proteins, vegetables, fresh raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts. But remember that canned fruits and veggies will also increase the abdominal fat so better avoid them.
  • Taking fiber food in your diet slowly and regularly why because the natural bacteria in the digestive system will take some time to adapt to this new fiber intake.
  • Intake of omega – 3 fat (good fats) foods like salmon, tuna, etc. which help to lose belly fat. Low glycemic index foods like beans, etc. are also give more benefits to lose the belly fat.
  • Vitamin C is another natural source that loses the abdominal fat and makes you look slim, fit and healthy. So include the food like lemon, oranges, kiwi, strawberries, etc. in your diet to prevent this problem.
  • Skipping your meals will also cause belly fat. Whenever you starve the body, then it turns to survival mode and starts storing the food in the form of fat. So must have you breakfast, lunch and dinner daily in your diet. But have this 5 – 6 small meals frequently rather than 3 big meals. Have snacks in between these meals.
  • Keep a food diary and follow this daily. As many people underestimate that how much they eat, so write down everything what you ate or consume in a week to know the honest assessment. Or else you can utilize any online calorie calculator to calculate the amount of calories that you’re consuming in a day.
  • The perfect diet as per calories that a person has to consume is, for men, it is 2200 calories and for women it is 2000 calories. This would be more sufficient to lose at least 1 – 2 pounds per week that also depends on your daily activity level.

25. Exercises:

Even if you follow all these natural home remedies, proper diet plain and other lifestyle habits to lose belly fat will be a waste of effort if don’t do exercises. So the fast you understand this, the early and effectively you lose weight and reduces the abdominal fat. But be sure to do the exercise daily without any break in that exercise.

home Remedies to Lose Belly Fat,
  • Just by spot exercises on the stomach will won’t work well to lose the tummy fat. Make regular exercises that include the entire muscles with whole body workouts.
  • Regularly have walking, cycling, aerobics, running, etc. to increase the body’s capacity to burn the calories and makes you lose the belly fat.
  • Have some jumping jacks or push – ups after waking will help to kick start the metabolism and also to have proper wake up. Skipping or jump rope is also considered as the great exercise to lose the belly fat. It helps to burns the more of calories than running or any other activity.
  • Have some regular strength training along with cardiovascular exercises to build up and strengthen the muscles tone that effectively help to get rid of the overall body fat (most commonly belly fat).


Even though if you exercise regularly and adopting few natural home remedies to lose belly fat but not still you losing weight means you strictly need to analyze your lifestyle and makes the necessary changes in it. So change your lifestyles from now by following these tips to really get rid of the abdominal fat.

home Remedies to Lose Belly Fat,
  • Have an adequate sleep or else lack of proper sleep can also cause belly fat by craving more sugar and fatty foods. This also spikes on the cortisol hormone that in turn makes insensitive to insulin and lose the body’s bio-rhythm. So sleep well to get rid of the belly fat.
  • Drink water as much as you can throughout the day. This helps to lead more active metabolism, flushes out the toxins or wastes from the body and finally improves the overall health. You have to drink at least 8 oz glass of water or 64 ounces of water per day to get the beneficial results.
  • Quit alcohol consumption. Alcohol has full of calories and when you drink it, you don’t feel full. Particularly binge drinking helps to deposits fat in and around your waistline. So stop drinking alcohol, if that was not possible by you, then at least avoid binge drinking and reduce the quantity and frequency of alcohol intake.
  • Place an aim to complete 10,000 steps a day which definitely helps to reduce your belly and body fat and also help to keep you healthy and activity by increasing the metabolism. Simply take steps instead of elevators, walk instead of driving, or else you treadmill desk to cut the belly fat.
  • Cut down the usage of salt in your diet as salt has detrimental effect on the fat storage. This creates water retention and puffiness on the body and that in turn makes waist look thicker. So cutting back on salt or eating a low salt diet then you can feel a positive result in the belly size.
  • Reduce your sugary drinks and all other carbonated beverages to clear the belly fat.
  • There are certain risk that are associated with this belly fat like this belly fat is linked with cardiovascular diseases, thyroid, diabetes and some types of cancers. This fat also poses health risks why because these visceral fat cells that produces the hormones and other substances the can affect your health.
  • These fat cells are located next to or middle the organs in the abdominal cavity that doesn’t help. For example, fat the stored next to the liver drains into it, causes you a fatty liver. This in turn becomes a risk factor for insulin resistance and makes you feel from the type – 2 diabetes.
  • Drink water before and after each meal so that it fills you up so that you'll won’t get the feeling of hungry and also it cleanse the system for better digestion.
  • Always eat a heavy breakfast, a moderate lunch and a light dinner to get healthy body and fat free belly.
  • Avoid losing weight rapidly or quickly by using crash diet and diet pills, because even though they promise to lose weight but it is harmful to the body and they don’t keep the weight off in a longer run. So always stick to the healthy lifestyle and use natural ways to lose your tummy fat.
  • Have dairy foods like low fat milk, curd, etc. which plays an effective in bringing down few inches in your waistline why because it contains calcium which is a known for its fat reduction and also help to speed up the metabolism to clear the excessive calories.
  • Be sure to consult your doctor if you’re not losing your belly fat (even a little) after following all these remedies and tips for further treatment. If it left untreated then it will cause any other serious health problems.

With these natural home remedies and tips , you can effectively fight against the belly or abdominal fat and enjoy your reduces waistline, but remember that these remedies, foods and tips will play a major role in attaining good figure with slimmer waistline when it's coupled with regular exercises.

I wish all the best to you and your efforts to lose belly fat. This is all about the remedies to lose the belly fat. Hope you will try these at home to reduce your belly / abdominal fat. Or do you know any other effective remedies that relieves from the stomach fat? Then share your experience with us.

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